Corporate Identity

Carrying with Care

Baapni-the name traces back its origin to the byname of the organisation’s founder who is Mr. Nandakumar’s father. Nanda Baapni who is at the helm of affairs always wanted to make sure that in all aspects including the name, there should be a personalized touch and approach with an unflinching element that he could hold close to his heart and stay motivated. So, ‘Baapni’ became his obvious choice to initiate his entrepreneurial initiatives. Today, the venture Baapni has evolved to be a customer-centric and ethically driven business that offers impeccable service and support to its clients. That is the reason we have been able to build a unique stature and image for our brand. We have gone great lengths to make certain that our branding reflects our business philosophy, desire to serve our clients and bring them value, through our resolute and strategic services.

The design of the logo is reminiscent of a thumbs-up, which signifies that our business says yes to every client that wants our help. Regardless of the scope and size of the business, we are always there to help our clients. It also denotes a punch, which shows our energy in supporting our clients.

The colour scheme of the logo is also carefully chosen. There are three colours-Purple, Blue and Black. Purple (the thumb part) represents royalty and loyalty.Blue (wrapped fingers part) shows our favouritism to our clients goals and business objectives which we hold stronger. It also denotes that we are willing to go the extra mile with all strength putting the needs of our clients ahead of ours. Together, the colours and icons show that we serve our clients loyally and royally, with a bold and sound commitment to the clientelesaying we are here to serve you the way you wish. Our name written in black completes the branding stating that we are trusted, have authority and remain resilient in our approach and offer strong, comprehensive and holistic support to our clients no matter what. We are able to handle everything for the clients in the best way possible. We are extremely clear in our service deliverance just as black is- strong and bold.

Logo is often aimed to proclaim a brand, but to us, it is an ‘Identity’ to WHAT Baapni is all about!

Decoding the Baapni Logo : The Baapni logo represents ‘Thumbs up’ wherein the Thumb is the portion in Violet and the four bent fingers being Blue. Underneath this is the brand name called ‘Baapni’.

  • Evidently, thumbs up symbolises thriving success. Violet being the color of loyalty and royalty, Baapni has diligently selected this shade for the thumbs up to certainly denote how magnificent and royal that we treat our esteemed customers.
  • Baapni always promises to behold our customers who will always be our favourites! As a dexterous indication of this warmth and responsibility towards our clientele, we have curated the thumbs up with four bent fingers that replicate human’s natural rigidity in holding any object – that’s exactly how firm we will hold you! Being the world’s most favourite color, we have shaded the fingers in Blue which is synonymous to our favourite customers yet again.
  • Underneath the thumbs up, we have the name Baapni mentioned in deep black. By mixing up all the different shades in a palette, we finally arrive at the Black shade. Baapni is clearly a mix of everything and hence given the shade, black!

While we consciously invest our efforts to upkeep our ethics and integrity in the best possible ways, we are uber-conscious to stay away from wrong-doing even subconsciously! This is exactly why we have named the brand after the Founder’s father’s name ‘Baapni.’ As we get the emotional connect due respect to the father figure, we dictate the same to our brand which will give us the force to devastate anything that is unethical in our course of business. Naming it Baapni is also our expedition to transfer the father’s name to consecutive generations and serve the world!

Scientifically, the energy distribution in any object, for that matter, is equally distributed across its corners. This makes the corners very robust and concentrated. Baapni wants this energy intact and reserve it to achieve better and serve more. This is precisely why the ‘b’ in the logo has all its corners concentrated within to preserve its energies altogether.

Logo is often aimed to proclaim a brand, but to us, it is an ‘Identity’ to WHAT Baapni is all about!

Decoding the Baapni Logo : The Baapni logo represents ‘Thumbs up’ wherein the Thumb is the portion in Violet and the four bent fingers being Blue. Underneath this is the brand name called ‘Baapni’.

  • Evidently, thumbs up symbolises thriving success. Violet being the color of loyalty and royalty, Baapni has diligently selected this shade for the thumbs up to certainly denote how magnificent and royal that we treat our esteemed customers.
  • Baapni always promises to behold our customers who will always be our favourites! As a dexterous indication of this warmth and responsibility towards our clientele, we have curated the thumbs up with four bent fingers that replicate human’s natural rigidity in holding any object – that’s exactly how firm we will hold you! Being the world’s most favourite color, we have shaded the fingers in Blue which is synonymous to our favourite customers yet again.
  • Underneath the thumbs up, we have the name Baapni mentioned in deep black. By mixing up all the different shades in a palette, we finally arrive at the Black shade. Baapni is clearly a mix of everything and hence given the shade, black!

While we consciously invest our efforts to upkeep our ethics and integrity in the best possible ways, we are uber-conscious to stay away from wrong-doing even subconsciously! This is exactly why we have named the brand after the Founder’s father’s name ‘Baapni.’ As we get the emotional connect due respect to the father figure, we dictate the same to our brand which will give us the force to devastate anything that is unethical in our course of business. Naming it Baapni is also our expedition to transfer the father’s name to consecutive generations and serve the world!

Scientifically, the energy distribution in any object, for that matter, is equally distributed across its corners. This makes the corners very robust and concentrated. Baapni wants this energy intact and reserve it to achieve better and serve more. This is precisely why the ‘b’ in the logo has all its corners concentrated within to preserve its energies altogether.